Friday, February 7, 2025


Mr. Boozenik is a member of the United States Bartenders’ Guild, the Oregon Bartenders’ Guild, and is a graduate of the national BarSmarts program. He enjoys critiquing new spirits and occasionally serves as a judge at spirits and cocktail events. His recipes have appeared on both cocktail menus and on distillery websites.

Mr. Boozenik has long had a hobby of trying new and interesting spirits and other beverages, and learning and creating new ways to enjoy them. While some, like that Armenian stuff in the back of the cabinet, continue to be failures, enjoyable learning, and tasty beverages, have been the yield of regular sampling and tasting and mixing in the home bar/lab. Mr. Boozenik is partial to whiskeys, amaros, mezcal, cachaca, tequila, sakes, shochu, vodka, and has an appreciation for talented mixology, bartending, quality ingredients in general, and clear ice. By day, he works in the software industry in Portland, Oregon.



The Boozeniks give every spirit at least three tastes before publishing a review. In addition to tasting, they often play with recipes, to help describe and place the spirit.

The Boozeniks are sometimes invited to spirits events. While they may take notes, those notes are used when discussing whether a spirit is worth revisiting, and are not considered part of the official spirit reviewing process.

If you represent a spirit in which you believe The Boozeniks would have interest, please contact us. We do accept samples for reviewing, if it is a spirit which is not already in the cabinet at home.

Everything on is under copyright, and may not be reproduced in whole or part without expressed written consent. Feel free to link to our site, and use small snips of articles, but please do not use articles in their entirety without permission.

All reviews follow the Association of Food Journalists Food Critics’ Guidelines