Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Liquid Vodka

June 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Bottle Reviews

Liquid Vodka is marketed as the “most affordable hand crafted Oregon vodka” and hails from Warren, Oregon. They pride themselves on their multi-step charcoal filtration process, and high quality water.

Nose: More nutty and grainy than bready, with a touch of sweetness, along with a slight sour mash scent. The alcohol on the nose is rather pungent.

Taste: Grain, walnut, filberts, bittersweet, likely rounded, with a moderately heavy body. There’s no real burn or warmth on the taste — that’s saved for the nose and finish.

Finish: Minerals, bitterness, chalky, lingering walnut, filbert, and grain, and residual heat in the mouth and throat.

Notes: Perhaps from the freezer it has more enjoyable characteristics, but sampled warm this is not a particularly smooth vodka. It brings a fair amount of heat (maybe from rye?) to the nose and finish, which makes it a bit hard to work with, although it does work nicely as a Vodka Collins.

Liquid Vodka (Liquid Ventures, Warren, OR) 80 proof $18

(Sample provided by Liquid Ventures)

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